Real Mom review not robot This is surprisingly sturdy and soli Heavy and very nicely finished. Since its furniture, for the price I did nit expect much but was absolutely happy when I saw how its built. My husband assembled it and it took him about an hour or so. He used tools so be aware. You will need an extra hand to lift it up since its heavy. But once its built its super pretty and looks like its going to last. Ill update later
Im surprise
Real Mom review not robot This is surprisingly sturdy and soli Heavy and very nicely finished. Since its furniture, for the price I did nit expect much but was absolutely happy when I saw how its built. My husband assembled it and it took him about an hour or so. He used tools so be aware. You will need an extra hand to lift it up since its heavy. But once its built its super pretty and looks like its going to last. Ill update later