This is a great study beautiful product. My daughters love it. Took me about 2.5 hours to assemble alone.
My only problem is it was missing a support piece for the rail when delivered. I contacted customer support and the agent had me take a picture of the label in the bed. I sent the pic and about 7/10 days later I got the missing part. In the meantime I place the bunks against the wall in the side without the support rails.
My only problem
Stylishly Study
This is a great study beautiful product. My daughters love it. Took me about 2.5 hours to assemble alone. My only problem is it was missing a support piece for the rail when delivered. I contacted customer support and the agent had me take a picture of the label in the bed. I sent the pic and about 7/10 days later I got the missing part. In the meantime I place the bunks against the wall in the side without the support rails. My only problem