Overall quality, durability is good for this bedframe. It was easy assembly. The reason for mediocre rating is that the screws did not fit into one section of the headboard. Not sure if the screw hole was not engineered correctly as none of the screws provided didnt fit. So instead of having 4 screws hold the headboard to the bottom piece, only 2 screws are holding it.
It is such a large item that I dont want to hassle with returning it. We will just have to be careful and not move the headboard and wiggle too much on the bed.
Otherwise I was happy with everything else.
Screws did not fit in headboard
Overall quality, durability is good for this bedframe. It was easy assembly. The reason for mediocre rating is that the screws did not fit into one section of the headboard. Not sure if the screw hole was not engineered correctly as none of the screws provided didnt fit. So instead of having 4 screws hold the headboard to the bottom piece, only 2 screws are holding it. It is such a large item that I dont want to hassle with returning it. We will just have to be careful and not move the headboard and wiggle too much on the bed. Otherwise I was happy with everything else.