This frame took me about an hour to assemble by myself.
The biggest hurdle I encountered was trying to figure out if I needed to use the low or high setting when assembling the frame. It didnt really give any helpful suggestions in the instructions and there werent very many reviews that specified what setting they used. So hopefully now I can provide some helpful input / I have a 12 matress with no box spring and I used to higher setting.
It looks great and feels pretty study, didnt seem to make any creaky noises when we tried it out. It seems to be a great bedframe at an affordable price.
Beautiful and budget friendly.
This frame took me about an hour to assemble by myself. The biggest hurdle I encountered was trying to figure out if I needed to use the low or high setting when assembling the frame. It didnt really give any helpful suggestions in the instructions and there werent very many reviews that specified what setting they used. So hopefully now I can provide some helpful input / I have a 12 matress with no box spring and I used to higher setting. It looks great and feels pretty study, didnt seem to make any creaky noises when we tried it out. It seems to be a great bedframe at an affordable price.