I got this when it was on sale for about $500. It was easy to assemble, I did it myself, and is compatible w/an adjustable frame. The quality was exceptional and like other reviewers, I was very concerned about any damage as the outside packaging was rough. ROUGH! But this was packed so well, there wasn’t a scratch on the upholstery. I am not quite sure this a bright white, but it’s white and I love it…
Great buy!
I got this when it was on sale for about $500. It was easy to assemble, I did it myself, and is compatible w/an adjustable frame. The quality was exceptional and like other reviewers, I was very concerned about any damage as the outside packaging was rough. ROUGH! But this was packed so well, there wasn’t a scratch on the upholstery. I am not quite sure this a bright white, but it’s white and I love it…