The item was well-packaged, the assembly of the base (1 screw) was easy enough, but the end result is very wobbly. The table is NOT safe with the heavy glass top. They couldnt even bother to polish the wood or include clear glass table top bumpers. Wont return it as it is a hassle for such a heavy item.
I do NOT recommend it if you plan to ever touch or use it (other than look from afar), or if you have pets or kids in your household.
Very wobbly, NOT safe
The item was well-packaged, the assembly of the base (1 screw) was easy enough, but the end result is very wobbly. The table is NOT safe with the heavy glass top. They couldnt even bother to polish the wood or include clear glass table top bumpers. Wont return it as it is a hassle for such a heavy item. I do NOT recommend it if you plan to ever touch or use it (other than look from afar), or if you have pets or kids in your household.