We are very happy with this bunk bed frame. Took us a while to find a sturdy enough frame that was full over full, but this is the right one. It is very sturdy which is a must having three rambunctious boys in the house. It looks really nice in the bedroom.
I was not super impressed with the delivery company, and whether from the shipping or from being moved with a forklift in the warehouse, the boxes were slightly damaged and the head and foot boards were pretty scratched. Because we needed this so urgently, we did not request an exchange.
Putting it together went very smoothly and no issues so far with the bunks. We put on 8 memory foam mattresses that we ordered off of as well and theyre working out perfectly. Highly recommend.
Great full over full bunk
We are very happy with this bunk bed frame. Took us a while to find a sturdy enough frame that was full over full, but this is the right one. It is very sturdy which is a must having three rambunctious boys in the house. It looks really nice in the bedroom. I was not super impressed with the delivery company, and whether from the shipping or from being moved with a forklift in the warehouse, the boxes were slightly damaged and the head and foot boards were pretty scratched. Because we needed this so urgently, we did not request an exchange. Putting it together went very smoothly and no issues so far with the bunks. We put on 8 memory foam mattresses that we ordered off of as well and theyre working out perfectly. Highly recommend.