The table is nice on my hallway and pretty sturdy but the legs are uneven, one leg is shorter than the others which makes it wobbly, delivery is worst and sucks, they did not even ring our door bell to notify us of the delivery because we were at home at that time, they left the package outside our small gate and when we went out to eat dinner we were surprise that the package was outside sitting the whole time. Thank God it was not stolen. We paid almost $80 for shipping and they are worst.
Delivery sucks
The table is nice on my hallway and pretty sturdy but the legs are uneven, one leg is shorter than the others which makes it wobbly, delivery is worst and sucks, they did not even ring our door bell to notify us of the delivery because we were at home at that time, they left the package outside our small gate and when we went out to eat dinner we were surprise that the package was outside sitting the whole time. Thank God it was not stolen. We paid almost $80 for shipping and they are worst.