I like the quality of the materials, came with all the screws, bolts, etc. The bed frame material is very sturdy. The instructions were ok, and sufficient. The only improvement would be to enlarge the instructions for impaired eyesight. Also, I suggest to the writers of the instruction to number the screws to where they are to be placed. It was hard to tell which screws went where. Thank you for the good workmanship and quality of the wood bed frame.
Well Made Bed Frame
I like the quality of the materials, came with all the screws, bolts, etc. The bed frame material is very sturdy. The instructions were ok, and sufficient. The only improvement would be to enlarge the instructions for impaired eyesight. Also, I suggest to the writers of the instruction to number the screws to where they are to be placed. It was hard to tell which screws went where. Thank you for the good workmanship and quality of the wood bed frame.