Easy to assemble but the screwdriver provided doesnt fit the screws properly so I used my own. Agree that its very small but thats what I was looking for to store my grandkids shoes etc when they come over.It is small but perfect for kids shoes. I followed the video and didnt have any issues as described in the reviews. It is designed for kids storage and I dont feel that it would work for a large adult. Overall I am happy with it.
Nice little bench!
Easy to assemble but the screwdriver provided doesnt fit the screws properly so I used my own. Agree that its very small but thats what I was looking for to store my grandkids shoes etc when they come over.It is small but perfect for kids shoes. I followed the video and didnt have any issues as described in the reviews. It is designed for kids storage and I dont feel that it would work for a large adult. Overall I am happy with it.