Easy assembly, attractive, sturdy and comfortable.
This is a nice chair. The instructions and assembly were incredibly simple for me, and I built them alone. I am a woman and I build every piece of furniture that comes in my house by myself. It only took me about 10 to 20 minutes to assemble.
The synthetic leather is very durable and it looks nice. The chair is comfortable. Not as comfortable as a fluffy couch or recliner though it would be ridiculous to expect that from this style. It is as comfortable as a modern style chair can be though.
Easy assembly, attractive, sturdy and comfortable.
This is a nice chair. The instructions and assembly were incredibly simple for me, and I built them alone. I am a woman and I build every piece of furniture that comes in my house by myself. It only took me about 10 to 20 minutes to assemble. The synthetic leather is very durable and it looks nice. The chair is comfortable. Not as comfortable as a fluffy couch or recliner though it would be ridiculous to expect that from this style. It is as comfortable as a modern style chair can be though.