this table is very sturdy and easy to assemble one thing is that make sure of the dimensions its not a big table i bought the same looking table from a different seller and it turned out very small, it is my fault but im very happy with this one and im happy with the way it looks. one thing tho is the color its lighter in real life ( not that light but still lighter than the picture but it ended up matching my other cherry tables ) over all i do recommend this table to whoever is looking for a table like this .
very sturdy table
this table is very sturdy and easy to assemble one thing is that make sure of the dimensions its not a big table i bought the same looking table from a different seller and it turned out very small, it is my fault but im very happy with this one and im happy with the way it looks. one thing tho is the color its lighter in real life ( not that light but still lighter than the picture but it ended up matching my other cherry tables ) over all i do recommend this table to whoever is looking for a table like this .