This cabinet is awesome and exceeded my expectations. Its a lot more sturdy than i thought it would be. I put it together myself and it took me about 5 hours. The instructions are decent but they should emphasize little things like making sure the boards with the indents have been turned the correct way so that the doors can be installed. Because of you dont youll have to take it back a few steps like I had to and take it apart to slot them in properly. Overall I give this cabinet a B+.
Cabinet Exceeded my Expectations - Very Sturdy
This cabinet is awesome and exceeded my expectations. Its a lot more sturdy than i thought it would be. I put it together myself and it took me about 5 hours. The instructions are decent but they should emphasize little things like making sure the boards with the indents have been turned the correct way so that the doors can be installed. Because of you dont youll have to take it back a few steps like I had to and take it apart to slot them in properly. Overall I give this cabinet a B+.