Great product. All of the pieces are solid and sturdy. Putting it together was a breeze. All the parts and hardware are marked and the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Put this together by myself in about 30 minutes. Looks and works great. Customer service was also great. One of the side panels in our product was damaged when we received our order. Reached out to their customer service department and they shipped out a replacement part right away.
Easy assembly and Great Customer Service
Great product. All of the pieces are solid and sturdy. Putting it together was a breeze. All the parts and hardware are marked and the instructions are clear and easy to follow. Put this together by myself in about 30 minutes. Looks and works great. Customer service was also great. One of the side panels in our product was damaged when we received our order. Reached out to their customer service department and they shipped out a replacement part right away.