This is a narrow cabinet, which is exactly what I was looking for. It is not a high quality piece of furniture, but you get that idea just from the cost. I use it in my laundry room and it surprisingly holds more stuff than I anticipated. I have a gallon size jug of bleach in the lower cabinet, as well as several other cleaning supplies. I keep a larger size jug of laundry detergent in the middle, open space, with room on the side for a few other items. I like the louvered doors. Unfortunately, the doors cannot be hung to swing out to the right, only the left. My husband drilled holes for a right side swing and hung the door opposite of the directions. It worked very well.
Good product for the cost
This is a narrow cabinet, which is exactly what I was looking for. It is not a high quality piece of furniture, but you get that idea just from the cost. I use it in my laundry room and it surprisingly holds more stuff than I anticipated. I have a gallon size jug of bleach in the lower cabinet, as well as several other cleaning supplies. I keep a larger size jug of laundry detergent in the middle, open space, with room on the side for a few other items. I like the louvered doors. Unfortunately, the doors cannot be hung to swing out to the right, only the left. My husband drilled holes for a right side swing and hung the door opposite of the directions. It worked very well.