This set is really sturdy and looks just like the picture. It fits my small dining room well. It took a bit to assemble because there are six pieces, but the assembly was not difficult. If you are planning to sit at the table for a while, you may want to invest in some cushions. Beware that the seats are smaller than a lot of chair cushions, so measure before you buy. Id buy this set again, but its so sturdy I wont ever need to.
Just What I Wanted
This set is really sturdy and looks just like the picture. It fits my small dining room well. It took a bit to assemble because there are six pieces, but the assembly was not difficult. If you are planning to sit at the table for a while, you may want to invest in some cushions. Beware that the seats are smaller than a lot of chair cushions, so measure before you buy. Id buy this set again, but its so sturdy I wont ever need to.