Overall I like this couch, but I think it could be better and/or they need to provide accommodating pieces for it.
Length is good
Seems very sturdy and is comfortable to lay on, specifically with chaise
I dont think the shade is quite as dark as the pictures led me to believe (dark storm)
Non/chaise depth seems shallow with cushions on
I feel like an extra ottoman for sale would be aming with this
Good couch, but could be better
Overall I like this couch, but I think it could be better and/or they need to provide accommodating pieces for it. Pros: Length is good Seems very sturdy and is comfortable to lay on, specifically with chaise Cons: I dont think the shade is quite as dark as the pictures led me to believe (dark storm) Non/chaise depth seems shallow with cushions on I feel like an extra ottoman for sale would be aming with this