Easy to assemble, comfortable to sit/lay on. Looks good too.
These futons are much easier to assemble then I had expected. Some things that could have made it easier to put it together is if you own an extended socket wrench so that you can put the arms on a bit easier. I put one of the futons together by myself and it took about 55 minutes but admittedly I was also watching tv while assembling it. Instructions were easy to follow and made the process smooth.
When it comes to the comfort of the futons, I think the backs are a little stiff but they really arent uncomfortable. If I was looking for another futon I would be willing to order this one again.
As for the seller... I somehow managed to accidentally order 2 of these futons. I messaged the seller as soon as I noticed and tried to get them to stop one before they were shipped. Unfortunately, I was too late. The seller was very understanding of my stupid mistake and was willing to work with me to get one back. I ended up keeping both of them and giving one to my parents. Both of us are having no other issues with the futons.
Easy to assemble, comfortable to sit/lay on. Looks good too.
These futons are much easier to assemble then I had expected. Some things that could have made it easier to put it together is if you own an extended socket wrench so that you can put the arms on a bit easier. I put one of the futons together by myself and it took about 55 minutes but admittedly I was also watching tv while assembling it. Instructions were easy to follow and made the process smooth. When it comes to the comfort of the futons, I think the backs are a little stiff but they really arent uncomfortable. If I was looking for another futon I would be willing to order this one again. As for the seller... I somehow managed to accidentally order 2 of these futons. I messaged the seller as soon as I noticed and tried to get them to stop one before they were shipped. Unfortunately, I was too late. The seller was very understanding of my stupid mistake and was willing to work with me to get one back. I ended up keeping both of them and giving one to my parents. Both of us are having no other issues with the futons.