Ive owned this couch (white leather) for 3 months, and am very pleased with it.
Function: It looks great in person and really makes my space look great. Its comfy - the seat is well-padded. Additionally the leather isnt sticky, so I can comfortably sit on it in shorts without my legs sticking. My friend slept on it (when it was unfolded) when she visited - and said it was comfy for sleeping.
Assembly: Very smooth assembly. I was able to assemble it alone as a 110lb women even though they recommend two people assembly (keep in mind if you want to do this alone: you do have to be able to flip it over yourself and its a couch so its not light), but I was pretty pleased I was able to do it solo. Only part that got tricky is during the assembly, the couchs backrest popped up so its in sitting up position. It took a little while but I realized you have to lean backrest forward in order to lean it back. One of the bags of beads that is supposed to keep it dry popped open, but all I had to do was vacuum it up. I was pretty pleased with how smooth assembly all was. Overall, considering its a sleeper couch, assembly was very simple.
Overall, very pleased with couch. It looks gorgeous, its comfy, and it wasnt expensive.
Adore this couch!
Ive owned this couch (white leather) for 3 months, and am very pleased with it. Function: It looks great in person and really makes my space look great. Its comfy - the seat is well-padded. Additionally the leather isnt sticky, so I can comfortably sit on it in shorts without my legs sticking. My friend slept on it (when it was unfolded) when she visited - and said it was comfy for sleeping. Assembly: Very smooth assembly. I was able to assemble it alone as a 110lb women even though they recommend two people assembly (keep in mind if you want to do this alone: you do have to be able to flip it over yourself and its a couch so its not light), but I was pretty pleased I was able to do it solo. Only part that got tricky is during the assembly, the couchs backrest popped up so its in sitting up position. It took a little while but I realized you have to lean backrest forward in order to lean it back. One of the bags of beads that is supposed to keep it dry popped open, but all I had to do was vacuum it up. I was pretty pleased with how smooth assembly all was. Overall, considering its a sleeper couch, assembly was very simple. Overall, very pleased with couch. It looks gorgeous, its comfy, and it wasnt expensive.