Sturdy King size frame, but takes time to assemble.
We assembled it over a couple days to give ourselves some time. We made a mistake in the beginning by putting the sides in wrong position. So reversing that cost us time halfway through.
Putting in the lift bracket was tricky, needing an extra pair of hands. Having a socket wrench with an
Allen bit did help overall and to tighten fittings.
The two boxes delivered were well packed and all the parts clearly labeled. The frame is well built and sturdy. The storage capacity seems good.
It is easy to lift with the hydraulics. A little hard to
push it back down. We plan to put some lightweight bulky items in the storage and free up closet space.
Sturdy King size frame, but takes time to assemble.
We assembled it over a couple days to give ourselves some time. We made a mistake in the beginning by putting the sides in wrong position. So reversing that cost us time halfway through. Putting in the lift bracket was tricky, needing an extra pair of hands. Having a socket wrench with an Allen bit did help overall and to tighten fittings. The two boxes delivered were well packed and all the parts clearly labeled. The frame is well built and sturdy. The storage capacity seems good. It is easy to lift with the hydraulics. A little hard to push it back down. We plan to put some lightweight bulky items in the storage and free up closet space.