I absolutely loveeee this bed. We got it for our 2 year old and she also loveeees it very much! Its very sturdy and adorable. She slept right on it without any problems, amazing for it being her first time out of crib and into a big girl bed. We are transitioning her before her baby sister comes and she can use the crib! Its beautiful, dont hesitate to buy. It came in perfect condition the shipping was extremely fast!
I loveeee this bed!!!
I absolutely loveeee this bed. We got it for our 2 year old and she also loveeees it very much! Its very sturdy and adorable. She slept right on it without any problems, amazing for it being her first time out of crib and into a big girl bed. We are transitioning her before her baby sister comes and she can use the crib! Its beautiful, dont hesitate to buy. It came in perfect condition the shipping was extremely fast!