These are attractive, sturdy stools designed to go with an attractive, sturdy kitchen table. I'm quite happy with them. Just one warning: everyone knows not to tighten screws and bolts until everything is assembled, but with these stools it's particularly important. The placement of screw holes on my pair was slightly off. It took a while to figure out that by reversing the recommended order of the instructions, I could get all the screws to fit in their proper holes. Thereafter, assembly was easy.
One word of advice
These are attractive, sturdy stools designed to go with an attractive, sturdy kitchen table. I'm quite happy with them. Just one warning: everyone knows not to tighten screws and bolts until everything is assembled, but with these stools it's particularly important. The placement of screw holes on my pair was slightly off. It took a while to figure out that by reversing the recommended order of the instructions, I could get all the screws to fit in their proper holes. Thereafter, assembly was easy.