My toddler grandson needs company as he falls asleep. This fits perfectly in the little room I have for him at my house. I only use about 1x/ week. Its narrow and super firm, but works just right for what I needed it for. I couldnt imagine sleeping a whole night on it, even though I have fallen asleep for an hour or so. Might work as a guest bed for a kid or someone under 25 years old. Better than sleeping on the floor or camping, but doesnt compare to a real bed. Most sofas or a futon would be more comfortable if you really need a guest bed for adults.
Grandma uses when grandchild sleeps over
My toddler grandson needs company as he falls asleep. This fits perfectly in the little room I have for him at my house. I only use about 1x/ week. Its narrow and super firm, but works just right for what I needed it for. I couldnt imagine sleeping a whole night on it, even though I have fallen asleep for an hour or so. Might work as a guest bed for a kid or someone under 25 years old. Better than sleeping on the floor or camping, but doesnt compare to a real bed. Most sofas or a futon would be more comfortable if you really need a guest bed for adults.