I like this bed a lot. It has storage on both sides, seems sturdy (only have had for a month now), and was a good value for the price.
The seller immediately responded to an issue (damaged box in transit- not their fault) and a replacement was sent that day. Customer service was great.
All of the boxes didnt arrive at the same time, so allow some extra time from the expected delivery date if youre scheduling an assembly appointment- I believe it was 4 or 5 boxes total. It wasnt a big deal for me to wait a few days longer since I already had an existing bed frame.
The assembly took a professional 5 hours, so if you are doing this yourself be warned. When I purchased this the assembly was free/included so that was not an issue. Overall very happy, and Im sleeping comfortably.
Good with free assembly
I like this bed a lot. It has storage on both sides, seems sturdy (only have had for a month now), and was a good value for the price. The seller immediately responded to an issue (damaged box in transit- not their fault) and a replacement was sent that day. Customer service was great. All of the boxes didnt arrive at the same time, so allow some extra time from the expected delivery date if youre scheduling an assembly appointment- I believe it was 4 or 5 boxes total. It wasnt a big deal for me to wait a few days longer since I already had an existing bed frame. The assembly took a professional 5 hours, so if you are doing this yourself be warned. When I purchased this the assembly was free/included so that was not an issue. Overall very happy, and Im sleeping comfortably.