Fairly simple to put together, basic but nice for my purposes as a day bed. This company doesn’t price match, and offers no explanation as to why. I didn’t return this, only because it’s heavy and a hassle. FRIENDLY NOTE: You can purchase this product for significantly cheaper at the Bay, which includes free shipping. To be fair, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed; I love mine (minus it being overpriced here).
Buy this at the Bay for $70 cheaper!
Fairly simple to put together, basic but nice for my purposes as a day bed. This company doesn’t price match, and offers no explanation as to why. I didn’t return this, only because it’s heavy and a hassle. FRIENDLY NOTE: You can purchase this product for significantly cheaper at the Bay, which includes free shipping. To be fair, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed; I love mine (minus it being overpriced here).