Update. After reaching out to the seller. They promptly responded and shipped the missing pieces. It took about 6 or 7 days to receive the parts. Not really exceptable to.e if it was so etching of great importance. But since this is just for fun. I guess not too bad.
Easy to assemble. Chains are a little light so do creep through them on so e shots. For the price it is good.
Box arrived looking like it had already been returned. When I opened it I immediately notice there was not clanking of chains. Once everything was laid out as I thought no chain,no hardware, no stakes and no flag.so it looks nice standing here but is useless. Followed contact seller steps. So now I will wait and see what happens. Stay tuned.
Received timely but incomplete.
Update. After reaching out to the seller. They promptly responded and shipped the missing pieces. It took about 6 or 7 days to receive the parts. Not really exceptable to.e if it was so etching of great importance. But since this is just for fun. I guess not too bad. Easy to assemble. Chains are a little light so do creep through them on so e shots. For the price it is good. Box arrived looking like it had already been returned. When I opened it I immediately notice there was not clanking of chains. Once everything was laid out as I thought no chain,no hardware, no stakes and no flag.so it looks nice standing here but is useless. Followed contact seller steps. So now I will wait and see what happens. Stay tuned.