This beautiful chair is well worth the reasonable price. You will never find this quality in any store for what I payed.
The assembly wasnt difficult but challenging for an old timer like myself. The important bits were already together. I only had a problem fitting the arms into the back, but I was able to do it. I put the chair together in the living room, but wanted to use it in the den. Keep in mind, that the finished chair is quite heavy, so I recommend assembling the chair in the room you want to use it in, or at least close to it. I needed help carrying it. I bought it for my wife. She loves it!
Wing Chair recliner
This beautiful chair is well worth the reasonable price. You will never find this quality in any store for what I payed. The assembly wasnt difficult but challenging for an old timer like myself. The important bits were already together. I only had a problem fitting the arms into the back, but I was able to do it. I put the chair together in the living room, but wanted to use it in the den. Keep in mind, that the finished chair is quite heavy, so I recommend assembling the chair in the room you want to use it in, or at least close to it. I needed help carrying it. I bought it for my wife. She loves it!