This went together easily for me, no misaligned parts or anything. I tossed it together in about ten minutes, but YMMV on that, Ive built a lot of furniture. Im also not using it as a shoe rack / if you leave the middle shelf out, the space between the bottom shelf and the seat is perfect for vinyl records (its about 14). I added a 5 shelf from my local hardware store to keep the records on an even surface, and now I have a study vinyl storage shelf that you can sit on! Im about 290 lbs and it holds me just fine.
Great for 12 vinyl!
This went together easily for me, no misaligned parts or anything. I tossed it together in about ten minutes, but YMMV on that, Ive built a lot of furniture. Im also not using it as a shoe rack / if you leave the middle shelf out, the space between the bottom shelf and the seat is perfect for vinyl records (its about 14). I added a 5 shelf from my local hardware store to keep the records on an even surface, and now I have a study vinyl storage shelf that you can sit on! Im about 290 lbs and it holds me just fine.