No manual attached to assemble the product. Go through my review to get it done easily.
I like the dining table. Overall its a good quality product. There were some issues i faced during assembly as there was no manual in the packet to assemble the product. I figured it out myself. For the chair assembly, there is one trick, you need to screw up the chair cushion first to the front legs and then attach that part to the back part of the chair. Table assembly is quite simple.
No manual attached to assemble the product. Go through my review to get it done easily.
I like the dining table. Overall its a good quality product. There were some issues i faced during assembly as there was no manual in the packet to assemble the product. I figured it out myself. For the chair assembly, there is one trick, you need to screw up the chair cushion first to the front legs and then attach that part to the back part of the chair. Table assembly is quite simple.