I use these stools for my counter and really enjoy them. They were easy to assemble and are very sturdy and comfortable. I like the material and the color. The only problem was when they were delivered, the person did not wait until I could get to the door and I had a heck of a time getting the box in the house. Once that was done, there was no problem. I do wish, though, when something is delivered, they at least waited until you could answer the door. I would have had him put it just inside the door, so it wouldnt have been that much of a bother for him.
delivery of box containing the stools
I use these stools for my counter and really enjoy them. They were easy to assemble and are very sturdy and comfortable. I like the material and the color. The only problem was when they were delivered, the person did not wait until I could get to the door and I had a heck of a time getting the box in the house. Once that was done, there was no problem. I do wish, though, when something is delivered, they at least waited until you could answer the door. I would have had him put it just inside the door, so it wouldnt have been that much of a bother for him.