I read the reviews before I purchased this product. Although the assembly was rated bad, people still said that this was a great product for the price. I ordered it and was anxious and excited about putting it all together. I immediately noticed that there were scratches in three of the parts (see attached photos). As my son And I began putting it together, we found it difficult to follow the instruction booklet. It just wasnt clear enough. My wife found a video of a guy assembling it on , so I watched him. I honestly feel like if it wasnt for the video, it would have taken forever. Oh yeah, when putting screws (E) into the magnet latch, youll find that the screws are not long enough to make it secure. I had to go to the hardware store and purchase slightly longer screws. Other than that, the wine cabinet is a beauty. Its sturdy and matches my dining room. Good luck!
Instructions suck but youll figure it out.
I read the reviews before I purchased this product. Although the assembly was rated bad, people still said that this was a great product for the price. I ordered it and was anxious and excited about putting it all together. I immediately noticed that there were scratches in three of the parts (see attached photos). As my son And I began putting it together, we found it difficult to follow the instruction booklet. It just wasnt clear enough. My wife found a video of a guy assembling it on , so I watched him. I honestly feel like if it wasnt for the video, it would have taken forever. Oh yeah, when putting screws (E) into the magnet latch, youll find that the screws are not long enough to make it secure. I had to go to the hardware store and purchase slightly longer screws. Other than that, the wine cabinet is a beauty. Its sturdy and matches my dining room. Good luck!