This bed was very easy to assemble. All parts were labeled and very clear assembly instruction. The bed color is very nice, the dark copper is close to a dark bronze look. The metal slates are screwed in and help the bed to be very sturdy. There is not noise as you sit or lay on the bed. Nice clearance under the bed that can be used for storage. This bed has 3 leg supports under the bed that prevents adding a trundle bed. Everything about the bed was as described.
Perfect daybed, highly re the product
This bed was very easy to assemble. All parts were labeled and very clear assembly instruction. The bed color is very nice, the dark copper is close to a dark bronze look. The metal slates are screwed in and help the bed to be very sturdy. There is not noise as you sit or lay on the bed. Nice clearance under the bed that can be used for storage. This bed has 3 leg supports under the bed that prevents adding a trundle bed. Everything about the bed was as described.