I was looking for a reasonably priced, but attractive daybed for my bedroom. This daybed fits both bills. The box came with all the parts and hardware they even included extra screws. I took my time putting the bed together. It can be easily assembled by one person. The directions were relatively straightforward. My main criticism is the build quality it felt cheap, especially when compared to IKEA furniture. The screws didnt always lie flush when screwed in, but most of them did. But once completed, the day bed looks great for the part. Hopefully, this daybed frame will hold up!
Basic Daybed
I was looking for a reasonably priced, but attractive daybed for my bedroom. This daybed fits both bills. The box came with all the parts and hardware they even included extra screws. I took my time putting the bed together. It can be easily assembled by one person. The directions were relatively straightforward. My main criticism is the build quality it felt cheap, especially when compared to IKEA furniture. The screws didnt always lie flush when screwed in, but most of them did. But once completed, the day bed looks great for the part. Hopefully, this daybed frame will hold up!