Overall a good purchase. Its honestly the same quality you would by from Ashley Furniture or American Signature but a fraction of the cost. I compared several units just like this one at furniture stores and they were at least 100 more more and still required home assembly.
I put it together myself but would definitely recommend 2 people as I could not hold the middle and put it together without it cracking and busting the 2 holes. It still went together fine and doesnt show but does make the middle shelf a little less stable now.
This is a very heavy after assembled took 2 people to move.
Worth the price
Overall a good purchase. Its honestly the same quality you would by from Ashley Furniture or American Signature but a fraction of the cost. I compared several units just like this one at furniture stores and they were at least 100 more more and still required home assembly. I put it together myself but would definitely recommend 2 people as I could not hold the middle and put it together without it cracking and busting the 2 holes. It still went together fine and doesnt show but does make the middle shelf a little less stable now. This is a very heavy after assembled took 2 people to move.