This product is easy to assemble and it looks cute. It is only 1/2 the size of reg couch, kinda felt like I was sitting at the Little kids table though. It would be good for a kids room. So I've got this to go in the front room for extra seating and if I want to take a nap so be it. It is not that comfortable, the legs don't lock. I got a gel topper and mattress pad. To me if I'm paying apx $400.?? I exppect a little more comfort and don't think I should have to purchase 2 more items to be ap little more comfortable. I found couches cheaper and so comfy.
It should be better at this price.
This product is easy to assemble and it looks cute. It is only 1/2 the size of reg couch, kinda felt like I was sitting at the Little kids table though. It would be good for a kids room. So I've got this to go in the front room for extra seating and if I want to take a nap so be it. It is not that comfortable, the legs don't lock. I got a gel topper and mattress pad. To me if I'm paying apx $400.?? I exppect a little more comfort and don't think I should have to purchase 2 more items to be ap little more comfortable. I found couches cheaper and so comfy.