Bought this for our 9 year old granddaughter. Shes been wanting a bunk bed for years. This was an economical fulfillment of her wish.
Quality was good. The parts were all drilled and cut to spec so there were no issues of fit or function.
Dont expect to put it together in an hour. There are almost 150 screws and bolts in the assembly. To finish in an hour you would have to finish screwing in a bolt or screw every 25 seconds. Allow several hours of uninterrupted assembly time.
Granddaughter loves it!
Bought this for our 9 year old granddaughter. Shes been wanting a bunk bed for years. This was an economical fulfillment of her wish. Quality was good. The parts were all drilled and cut to spec so there were no issues of fit or function. Dont expect to put it together in an hour. There are almost 150 screws and bolts in the assembly. To finish in an hour you would have to finish screwing in a bolt or screw every 25 seconds. Allow several hours of uninterrupted assembly time.