My kids love!!this bed! It is gorgeous color, very sturdy. Drill with stars or allen wrench with handle would make a much faster assembly. You have to pay close attention to the piece placements. Also STEP 8 leaves out part detail 23 which is 3 wood pieces that are not marked to be placed underneath with 17 screws. The holes were a little off but screwed in with no problem. Much longer than I expected because I screwed everything by hand. The ladder was the hardest to do by hand. Overall our family loved! the finished product.
Pay close attention to details
My kids love!!this bed! It is gorgeous color, very sturdy. Drill with stars or allen wrench with handle would make a much faster assembly. You have to pay close attention to the piece placements. Also STEP 8 leaves out part detail 23 which is 3 wood pieces that are not marked to be placed underneath with 17 screws. The holes were a little off but screwed in with no problem. Much longer than I expected because I screwed everything by hand. The ladder was the hardest to do by hand. Overall our family loved! the finished product.