My kids love!!the bunk beds and could not wait to try them out. Overall, assembly instructions were straightforward and easy. Definitely easier with two people and two sets of tools.
We found that the spacing of the slats on the bottom bunk are a bit wide. Will like!!need to get some extra slats and/or plywood to make it more sturdy for the bottom mattress.
My chief complaint is the experience we had with the seller. The first box arrived on the last day of the promised shipment window. The second box arrived 5 days later (almost a month after our purchase date). Box 2 looked like!!it had been shipped, opened, re-shipped again. Scratches on the wood, 1-2 split sections that gave us a few splinters during assembly, and a missing step for the ladder. Given my experience communicating with the seller (UnbeatableSale) to even receive the second box, I am not optimistic that they will provide the missing piece.
If you buy this bunk bed, you and your kids will likely love!!it -- just make sure that the seller is itself or the company has a better customer service than UnbeatableSale.
Good enough, but bad experience receiving product
My kids love!!the bunk beds and could not wait to try them out. Overall, assembly instructions were straightforward and easy. Definitely easier with two people and two sets of tools. We found that the spacing of the slats on the bottom bunk are a bit wide. Will like!!need to get some extra slats and/or plywood to make it more sturdy for the bottom mattress. My chief complaint is the experience we had with the seller. The first box arrived on the last day of the promised shipment window. The second box arrived 5 days later (almost a month after our purchase date). Box 2 looked like!!it had been shipped, opened, re-shipped again. Scratches on the wood, 1-2 split sections that gave us a few splinters during assembly, and a missing step for the ladder. Given my experience communicating with the seller (UnbeatableSale) to even receive the second box, I am not optimistic that they will provide the missing piece. If you buy this bunk bed, you and your kids will likely love!!it -- just make sure that the seller is itself or the company has a better customer service than UnbeatableSale.