This was a surprise for my son s fifth birthday and it couldn t have been a bigger hit. Took me a solid 4 hours to assemble but I was able to do it solo. I gave it a four out of five for sturdiness because it s not super heavy, never going to shake like the one I had as a kid but it s definitely very solid. The cloth pieces that cover the openings are attached with sticker backed Velcro that didn t stay on very long, probaby should have hooks or something instead. Other than that no complaints, very satisfied with it.
FIve-year-old LOVES it
This was a surprise for my son s fifth birthday and it couldn t have been a bigger hit. Took me a solid 4 hours to assemble but I was able to do it solo. I gave it a four out of five for sturdiness because it s not super heavy, never going to shake like the one I had as a kid but it s definitely very solid. The cloth pieces that cover the openings are attached with sticker backed Velcro that didn t stay on very long, probaby should have hooks or something instead. Other than that no complaints, very satisfied with it.