I really like this table! It's the perfect height length for my entryway. The price was great compared to what I saw from other similar products. My original order was damaged during delivery but the customer service getting another one shipped was fantastic. The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is the drawer slides right out without a stopper grabbing it before you pull it completely out. I don't really use the drawer, it's more decorative, so it hasn't affected me much.
I really like this table
I really like this table! It's the perfect height length for my entryway. The price was great compared to what I saw from other similar products. My original order was damaged during delivery but the customer service getting another one shipped was fantastic. The only reason I didn't give 5 stars is the drawer slides right out without a stopper grabbing it before you pull it completely out. I don't really use the drawer, it's more decorative, so it hasn't affected me much.