Decent bed for the price - looks pretty spiffy once it is all put together. Lots of assembly required - took me over 2 hours total working alone to get it set up. Instructions are above average, pretty easy to follow, and lots of extra parts are included just in case which is nice. The storage drawers don't feel very durable so it seems they would be better for long-term storage rather than for daily use. Price for value equation seems pretty good. Just don't plan on whomping this together in a half hour.
Good Apartment or Kid's room Bed.
Decent bed for the price - looks pretty spiffy once it is all put together. Lots of assembly required - took me over 2 hours total working alone to get it set up. Instructions are above average, pretty easy to follow, and lots of extra parts are included just in case which is nice. The storage drawers don't feel very durable so it seems they would be better for long-term storage rather than for daily use. Price for value equation seems pretty good. Just don't plan on whomping this together in a half hour.