Assembly is not as bad as we expected and can easily be done by one person with no issues. The fabric looks good and the frame feels sturdy enough. I worry about the longevity of the drawers, though, and wish they were more durable and usable. They're ok for light storage without heavy use. Overall it's not bad for the price. It's better suited to an adult who will handle it a bit more gently rather than kids who can tend to whip the drawers open and shut and cramp stuff in there etc.
Easy assembly
Assembly is not as bad as we expected and can easily be done by one person with no issues. The fabric looks good and the frame feels sturdy enough. I worry about the longevity of the drawers, though, and wish they were more durable and usable. They're ok for light storage without heavy use. Overall it's not bad for the price. It's better suited to an adult who will handle it a bit more gently rather than kids who can tend to whip the drawers open and shut and cramp stuff in there etc.