Honestly, for the price it was a great buy. It took 2 of us approximately 2 hours to assemble. Instructions were very clear and the parts were labeled and packaged nicely. Bed looks good. The drawers look nice from the outside but the drawer itself seems a bit flimsy/cheap-ish. The packaging states each drawer can hold 40 lbs. If they do, then that would be good with me since no one (hopefully!) sees the inside of my drawers but me. Go for it.
Super Easy to Assemble! Looks Good too.
Honestly, for the price it was a great buy. It took 2 of us approximately 2 hours to assemble. Instructions were very clear and the parts were labeled and packaged nicely. Bed looks good. The drawers look nice from the outside but the drawer itself seems a bit flimsy/cheap-ish. The packaging states each drawer can hold 40 lbs. If they do, then that would be good with me since no one (hopefully!) sees the inside of my drawers but me. Go for it.