I will start off by saying the entertainment center looks fantastic. It is sturdy and was easy to assemble. The instruction guide is easy to follow and all of the parts were included, including extra parts. When mounted correctly, the thing is rock solid, but that leads me to the negative.
If you were to install this with only the four screws and sheetrock anchors included, it would not hold for a day. The 4 pre-drilled holes are not spaced 18 or 24 to facilitate attachment to two studs. I recommend locating two studs in your wall, then plotting two spots on each side-boxof the entertainment center that match the stud spacing (make sure that this centers the console on your TV or such). Then buy two lag bolts with washers and install the console into the studs. I have my PS5, Apple TV, several books, plants, and other things on there, and theres no sag or movement.
For less than $150 though, this thing is worth every cent.
Worth the money!
I will start off by saying the entertainment center looks fantastic. It is sturdy and was easy to assemble. The instruction guide is easy to follow and all of the parts were included, including extra parts. When mounted correctly, the thing is rock solid, but that leads me to the negative. If you were to install this with only the four screws and sheetrock anchors included, it would not hold for a day. The 4 pre-drilled holes are not spaced 18 or 24 to facilitate attachment to two studs. I recommend locating two studs in your wall, then plotting two spots on each side-boxof the entertainment center that match the stud spacing (make sure that this centers the console on your TV or such). Then buy two lag bolts with washers and install the console into the studs. I have my PS5, Apple TV, several books, plants, and other things on there, and theres no sag or movement. For less than $150 though, this thing is worth every cent.