The end product looks good, however I wouldn't be surprised if this product was designed by a sadist! The assembly process was so bad it is almost comedic with a lousy little Allen wrench and 50 mis-measured bolt holes--I mean ridiculously mis-measured holes. Just for laughs some of the threads were reversed. I passed the point of no return getting this up a flight of stairs and out of the box--it was packed like something from a yard sale. Consider this fair warning of what you will be in for.
This product was made with Chinese precision
The end product looks good, however I wouldn't be surprised if this product was designed by a sadist! The assembly process was so bad it is almost comedic with a lousy little Allen wrench and 50 mis-measured bolt holes--I mean ridiculously mis-measured holes. Just for laughs some of the threads were reversed. I passed the point of no return getting this up a flight of stairs and out of the box--it was packed like something from a yard sale. Consider this fair warning of what you will be in for.