I was able to assemble one chair and its great! Sturdy and comfortable. The other chair I have been unable to assemble due to issues with hardware, instructions, and the general condition of the frame. Im stuck with one built chair and pieces for a chair. There is no contact information for customer service on the instructions so not sure what to do and I cant ship it back because the screws are stripped inside the chair that is partially built. Overall, a frustrating experience.
Hard to Assemble but Comfortable
I was able to assemble one chair and its great! Sturdy and comfortable. The other chair I have been unable to assemble due to issues with hardware, instructions, and the general condition of the frame. Im stuck with one built chair and pieces for a chair. There is no contact information for customer service on the instructions so not sure what to do and I cant ship it back because the screws are stripped inside the chair that is partially built. Overall, a frustrating experience.