Unless you are really handy, pay for the assembly offe by .
I would recommend anyone who buys this product to pay for it to be assembled. After several fruitless attempts at putting it together, I called my extremely handy daughter and son/in/law. They put it together in about two hours with tools a lot sturdier than the Allen wrench that came with the set.
It is confortable and we love to sit on it in our front porch. The cushions look really well during the Christmas season, especially if you use poinsettias to decorate.
Unless you are really handy, pay for the assembly offe by .
I would recommend anyone who buys this product to pay for it to be assembled. After several fruitless attempts at putting it together, I called my extremely handy daughter and son/in/law. They put it together in about two hours with tools a lot sturdier than the Allen wrench that came with the set. It is confortable and we love to sit on it in our front porch. The cushions look really well during the Christmas season, especially if you use poinsettias to decorate.