Bought this for a toddler bed for my girls (2.5 y/o) to share since I didnt realize they would want to share a bed when I first purchased 2 real toddler beds. I love this bed has 2 height options, and the shorter option was actually the same height as their toddler bed! So it is perfect for kiddos and i can raise the height at a later date and move it into our guest room. Adorable style!
I love this bed has 2 height options
Bought this for a toddler bed for my girls (2.5 y/o) to share since I didnt realize they would want to share a bed when I first purchased 2 real toddler beds. I love this bed has 2 height options, and the shorter option was actually the same height as their toddler bed! So it is perfect for kiddos and i can raise the height at a later date and move it into our guest room. Adorable style!