Easy to assemble. Took me maybe 30/45 minutes to put together. Easy to follow instructions and clearly labeled materials. Packed securely as well. It seems very sturdy and like it will hold up for years to come. Its not as thick of a as a similar bed I had when I was a kid, but it seems like it will last. The color is more of a slightly off white.
Update. Regarding holes lining up as they should My experience was that if putting together many other items in the past in that you get the screws started on all sides and tighten gradually over all and things usually fall into place versus tightening one spot entirely before moving on to the next. May not have been the case for others but possibly a helpful tip.
Sturdy, easy to assemble.
Easy to assemble. Took me maybe 30/45 minutes to put together. Easy to follow instructions and clearly labeled materials. Packed securely as well. It seems very sturdy and like it will hold up for years to come. Its not as thick of a as a similar bed I had when I was a kid, but it seems like it will last. The color is more of a slightly off white. Update. Regarding holes lining up as they should My experience was that if putting together many other items in the past in that you get the screws started on all sides and tighten gradually over all and things usually fall into place versus tightening one spot entirely before moving on to the next. May not have been the case for others but possibly a helpful tip.