Yes, not just like, I love it. It is so easy to open and fold up and put away. It has a carry handle if you want to take it places. It fits our whole family easily. It is sturdy as hell. I need that. My kids clobber stuff. This takes a beating. The benches arent too weird and narrow like some others we saw. these are sturdy and strong, which I was hoping for. Would definitely buy again. Definitely not wimpy or weak.
Yes, not just like, I love it. It is so easy to open and fold up and put away. It has a carry handle if you want to take it places. It fits our whole family easily. It is sturdy as hell. I need that. My kids clobber stuff. This takes a beating. The benches arent too weird and narrow like some others we saw. these are sturdy and strong, which I was hoping for. Would definitely buy again. Definitely not wimpy or weak.